This study covers the following topics in a progressive sequence in order to remove some misconceptions about healing within the congregations of the elect and lay a foundation for an understanding of the apostle James' instructions for the Sovereign Father's earthly children to follow when requesting healing. Each of these topics contains valuable information which is necessary to understanding why God allows supernatural healing, the instructions for healing, the methods to be performed for healing, the rituals which are a necessary part of the healing process, and how and when healing can be expected after a person requests healing according to the instructions given by the apostle James.

An introduction by the author including his believe in God's ability and willingness to heal along with a summary of the topics covered in this study that can help one understand why God allows supernatural healing, the instructions for healing, the methods to be performed for healing, the rituals which are a necessary part of the healing process, and how and when healing can be expected after a person requests healing according to the instructions given by the apostle James..


To show the importance of following the apostles James' instructions on healing within the congregations of the elect, it is necessary to make a short review of the blood covenant the Creator God made with national Israel and the agreement God the Father makes with those he calls to salvation during the gospel age..


From the beginning of the Creator God's interaction with mankind, the biblical record shows specific procedures, rituals, and other acts that were performed in order to worship and serve him.

Although few details are given about the procedures and rituals required before the great flood and the establishment of national Israel, it is clear from the Book of Genesis that these rituals and procedures were understood by those who worshiped and served God (Gen.4:1-7; 8:20-21; 22:1-13).


This chapter asks and answers seven questions that are necessary to eliminate some confusion and misunderstanding about the healing process as it applies to the elect and the unconverted.


During Christ's ministry, he healed hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people of various disabilities and illnesses. Some individuals asked him to heal them, some were healed when other people asked him to heal on their behalf, and some were healed without asking, when Jesus saw their condition and had compassion on them.

This chapter contains a review of some of the accounts of Christ healing individuals and his authorization of the twelve disciples and the seventy other men to heal is important to understanding the various aspects of healing individuals during this gospel age of salvation. These accounts give insight into Christ's approach to healing individuals and provide examples for those who are called in how to fulfill their ministry to the elect and heal people as they proclaim the Sovereign Father's good news message.


This section discusses various accounts showing the prophetic and symbolic meaning and usage of incense during significant rituals, which have profound meaning for the elect who practice the apostles James' instructions for the healing of disabilities and illnesses during this gospel age of salvation.


This section explores various accounts and aspects of the act of laying on hands in order to show that this important practice has profound meaning, is a medium through which the power of the holy spirit flows, and is an important act to be performed during this gospel age of salvation.


This section touches on various accounts and aspects of anointing with oil and show that anointing with oil is not a meaningless ritual, but has profound meaning and is an important ritual as it relates to the elect during this gospel age of salvation. Additionally, this section will show that the anointing oil is a medium through which the power of the holy spirit flows to cause an effect in the physical realm.


In order to determine if olive oil is acceptable to use for anointing as instructed by the apostle James, a few facts about the olive tree and the oil derived from its fruit will be noted and several biblical accounts in which the olive tree and olive oil are mentioned will be reviewed.


A casual reading of the apostle James' instructions about how to effect a healing among the Sovereign Father's elect within a congregation seems simple and direct; however, a casual reading will not reveal some of the more subtle and important aspects of these instructions.

Within these instructions are many profound spiritual concepts and principles which should be understood by both the individual requesting healing and the elders performing the ritual in order to fulfill the letter and spirit of this ritual and to be assured that the promise of healing the body and the spirit, through the performance of this ritual, will happen.

These instructions show that the elders of the early church were authorized by Jesus Christ to intercede on the behalf of the Father's elect to claim the promise of healing. When James' instructions were followed during the existence of the early church, the person with a disability or sickness was returned to health.
