During the centuries that followed the demise of the early church, those who clung to the basic truths of God also accepted much error and made many departures from the truth. Along with this departure from truth they lost much of the understanding concerning their spiritual leaders, administrative organization, and problem solving within the body of Christ. This study should give any serious student of the Bible enough knowledge to understand who the spiritual leaders of the church are, the organizational and governmental structure of the early church, and what one's attitude, behavior, and responsibility should be pertaining to the organizational and governmental structure of the church and those who govern and serve the elect of God through it today. This study also discusses other major issues that concern Christians today.

It would be wonderful if all of the Father's elect children could dwell in unity, and one could associate with any of the elect of God and participate in their formal worship assembly with the confidence that one's participation is pleasing to the Father and Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. However, the reality is that there are many extremely dangerous associations within the Body of Christ. This study examines these associations in the light of one's salvation.


In the New Testament, there are many warnings to the elect to be alert to the dangers to our salvation from interacting with unconverted individuals who go about promoting unrighteous precepts, principles, and concepts which are opposed to the truth set forth in the biblical record. Additionally, the elect are cautioned to be aware that divisions and deceptions will come from both converted and unconverted individuals within their congregations.


The biblical narrative is replete with descriptions of spirit-beings who inhabit the earth and spirit-beings who come to earth from beyond this physical realm. Additionally, the Bible contains hundreds of direct and indirect references to angels, demons, Satan, and a variety of other spirit-beings who inhabit the spirit realm.

Although much is said in the Bible about spirit-beings loyal to God the Father and Christ and those that are not, few people truly understand that evil spirits are extremely powerful and dangerous and should be dealt with accordingly.


It is clear that Jesus Christ established both a civil and spiritual system through which his people were to be governed in order for there to be harmony among them and for them to carry out the work that he gave them to do. This study reviews the structure of the early church, and it discusses the reason for the chaotic condition of the church today and the three distinct ages of the church and their purpose.


This is a study into the following subjects concerning the spiritual leadership and organizational structure of the Church of God that give insight into the attitudes and responsibilities that each of the elect should have during this age of the church:

    • Qualifications of an elder

    • Attitude toward service

    • Elder' right to govern the elect

    • Stewards of God's mysteries

    • Elders accountability

    • Authority to heal the sick

    • Respect for spiritual leaders

    • Know those who lead the church

    • The Melchizedec priesthood

    • Peter and the keys of heaven.

It can easily be shown from the Bible and secular history that no unbroken succession of spiritual leadership of the early church exists today; therefore, how does one know if Jesus Christ has sanctioned the spiritual leaders of the group of people with whom one associates? Moreover, how can one recognize a person whom Jesus Christ has sanctioned as a spiritual leader? This study gives logical answers to these important questions.


This study examines a woman's roll as a spiritual leader under the new covenant during the gospel age of salvation.


There is probably not a more painful experience than having to confront a brother or sister in the body of Christ with issues concerning interpersonal problems or sinful attitudes or behavior. It would be good if interpersonal problems and sinful attitudes and behaviors did not occur among the elect, but the reality is that these types of problems will occur and must be dealt with in the manner prescribed by the law of God as taught by Jesus Christ and his apostles. This study reveals the biblical solution to interpersonal problems involving sinful attitudes or behaviors and problems involving no sin, accusation against an elder, and separation from fellowship.


God instructs us to be continually alert to the danger of heretical people and their beliefs and teachings. Moreover, he instructs us not to encourage or tolerate people, beliefs, or teachings that are inconsistent with the his pure word. This study clearly explains some important concepts concerning attitudes and behaviors that must be dealt with in a severe manner within the congregations of God, what constitutes heresy, and who is to be considered a heretic.


There are many differing beliefs about the gift of languages that was given when God began the New Covenant Church, and there are many differing beliefs about what the apostle Paul was trying to say to the Corinthian church about their use of this gift. Some people believe that a person must speak in an unknown language in order to receive the holy spirit. Some believe that people who practice speaking in unknown languages are either possessed by demons or manifest an unstable emotional state. Others believe that the gift of languages is only given to a very few, for use in special circumstances. This study provides an in-depth analysis of this important subject.


This study answers the question concerning the physical location where the congregations of God should assemble to worship God the Father, and whether or not where a person worships has a positive or a negative impact on one's spiritual relationship with God or his Son?
